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目的应用TCD联合自体CO2吸入法评价单侧颈内动脉系统血管狭窄患者的脑血流储备(CVR)。方法对单侧颈内动脉系统血管狭窄患者及正常人分别行自体CO2吸入,以TCD测定其基线状态及高碳酸血症状态下双侧大脑中动脉的血流速度,根据公式评价其CVR。结果对46例脑血管狭窄患者进行了双侧CVR的测定,其中患侧(1.41±0.88)%/mmHg,健侧(2.51±1.28)%/mmHg,两者比较有显著性差异(P<0.001)。脑血管狭窄患者患侧大脑中动脉的CVR与正常对照组[左侧(2.29±1.30)%/mmHg,右侧(2.19±1.09)%/mmHg]比较有显著性差异(95%CI0.001~0.026,P=0.033)。结论症状性单侧颈内动脉狭窄及单侧大脑中动脉狭窄患者的CVR受损。 Objective To evaluate the cerebral blood flow reserve (CVR) in patients with unilateral carotid artery stenosis by TCD combined with autologous CO2 inhalation. Methods Patients with unilateral internal carotid artery stenosis and normal subjects were respectively exposed to CO2 inhalation. The baseline blood flow velocity of the bilateral middle cerebral arteries was measured by TCD, and the CVR was evaluated according to the formula. Results 46 patients with cerebrovascular stenosis were measured with bilateral CVR, with 1.41 ± 0.88% / mmHg on the ipsilateral side and 2.51 ± 1.28% / mmHg on the contralateral side (P <0.001) ). The CVR of the affected side of the middle cerebral artery in patients with cerebrovascular stenosis was significantly different from that of the normal control group (2.29 ± 1.30% / mmHg on the left and (2.19 ± 1.09)% / mmHg on the right) (95% CI0.001 ~ 0.026, P = 0.033). Conclusions CVR is impaired in patients with symptomatic unilateral internal carotid artery stenosis and unilateral middle cerebral artery stenosis.
据笔者对一个任教班级的粗略统计,全班48名学生,微博使用率为100%。每天浏览微博的41人,占85%。其中,以微博为主要途径获取资讯的30人,占62.5%。联系不少学生在写作中的素材陈旧、雷同两大问题,我们应该因势利导,培养学生从微博中发掘作文素材的良好习惯。   以2014年11月新浪微博热点为例,我们选取了以下几则热门话题,对其作为作文素材的价值进行判断和研究。   1.马云谈首富。马云成
孟晓东,中学语文高级教师,安徽省淮北一中在编教师,中国写作学会青少年写作研究中心研究员,长期从事中、高考命题研究工作,发表教学文章千余篇,主编、参编多种教辅用书。  阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。(60分)  蝴蝶翅膀的颜色  为了丰富中小学生的课余生活,让同学们领略科技的魅力,过一把尖端科技的瘾,中科院某研究所推出了公众开放日系列科普活动。活动期间,科研人员特地设计了一个有