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古希腊神话:安泰是大地女神盖亚的儿子,力大无穷,只要他保持与大地母亲的接触,就可以不断获取力量。仇敌赫拉克勒斯发现了这个秘密,设法将安泰举到空中脱离地母,战而胜之……——题记一“文艺惠民”、“文联万家”如同一条坚实而温馨的纽带,把艺术家、文艺工作者与广大人民群众紧紧连在了一起……东风迎新岁,瑞雪兆丰年。癸巳蛇年春节的脚步声渐渐临近了,大街小巷一片忙年的气氛。2013年1月21日,农历腊月初十,距离青岛最远的县级市——平度的东阁街道贾家营社区显 Ancient Greek mythology: Aetna is the son of the goddess of the earth, Gaia, immeasurable, as long as he maintained contact with Mother Earth, you can continue to gain power. Heracles, the enemy, discovered the secret and tried to lift Aetna to the air and get out of his motherland to win the war ... - Inscription 1 “literary and artistic people”, “Wenlian Wanjia” as a solid and warm The bond, the artist, literary and art workers and the masses of people closely linked ... ... Dongfeng welcome new year, Ruixue Mega Year. Decathlon Spring Festival footsteps approaching, the streets of a busy year atmosphere. January 21, 2013, the tenth lunar month of the twelfth lunar month, the farthest distance from the county-level city of Qingdao - Pinggu East Club Jiajiaying Community significant
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近几年来,刑事诉讼中的人权保障问题日益引起社会各界的广泛关注。近日,本刊记者就这个话题采访了中国政法大学樊崇义教授。现刊出,供参考。 In recent years, the protecti
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很多年了,我再次看到如此干净月光  在周末的郊区,黑夜亮出了名片  将我照成一尊雕塑  舍不得回房  几个老人在月色中闲聊  关于今年的收成和明春的打算  一个说:杂粮涨价了,明年改种红薯  一个说:橘子价贱,烂在了树上  月光敞亮,年轻人退回大树的阴影  他们低声呢喃,相互依偎  大地在变暖,隐秘的愿望  草一般在心底生长  而屋内,孩子已经熟睡  脸蛋纯洁而稚气  他的父母坐在床沿  其中一个
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