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因特网的成熟和普及,使得电子商务日渐成为一种重要的商务手段。与传统商务相比较,电子商务在降低交易成本等方面具有其明显的优势。因此,世界各国的商家,都争相建立自己的商业网站,纷纷利用基于因特网的电子数据交换技术,大力发展网上贸易。然而,在电子商务的发展过程中,又出现了一系列引人注目的道德问题。如果漠视或不解决这些道德问题,就有可能使电子商务步入歧途。 The maturity and popularity of the Internet make e-commerce an increasingly important business tool. Compared with the traditional business, e-commerce has obvious advantages in reducing transaction costs. Therefore, businesses from all over the world are vying to set up their own commercial websites and have all made use of the Internet-based electronic data exchange technology to develop online trade. However, in the process of the development of e-commerce, there are a series of compelling ethical issues. If you ignore or do not solve these ethical issues, it is possible to go astray e-commerce.