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为了庆祝中华人民共和国建国三十周年,贵州省美术作品展览、贵州民族民间蜡染织绣陶器展览、贵州省舞台美术展览在贵阳同时展出。所展出的九百余件作品是我省美术工作者、工艺美术工作者、舞台美术工作者在党的工作重点转移的新形势下,通过真理标准问题的学习和讨论,解放思想,努力进行艺术实践而创作、设计出来的。是美术工作者们向国庆三十周年的献礼。贵州省美展展出国画、油画、版画、雕塑及其它美术作品三百七十余件。从展出的作品可以看到,我省美术创作在题材方面比林彪、“四人帮”统治时期广泛得多了。在几年前,画四个现代化和向科学文化进军的题材会被戴上唯生产力论的帽子,画家们不敢画,即使画这类题材也不得不硬加上一点“政治”内容,弄得非驴非马。这次省美展展出的作品中这一类题材很多,有描写苗岭山区、乌江两岸各族 In order to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the founding of People’s Republic of China, Guizhou Province art exhibition, Guizhou folk batik embroidery pottery exhibition, stage art exhibition in Guizhou Province in Guiyang at the same time. The nine hundred works exhibited by the art workers, arts and crafts workers and stage art workers in our province, under the new situation of the shift in the work of the party, emancipate their minds and work hard through the study and discussion of the standard questions of truth Artistic practice and creation, designed out. It is the gift of art workers to the 30th anniversary of the National Day. The Guizhou Provincial Art Exhibition features more than 370 pieces of Chinese paintings, oil paintings, prints, sculptures and other fine arts. As can be seen from the exhibited works, the art creation in our province is much broader than that under the rule of Lin Biao and the “Gang of Four” in the theme of the “Gang of Four.” A few years ago, the theme of marching toward the four modernizations and marching into the science and culture would be put on the basis of the theory of only productive forces. The painters dared not paint even if they were forced to draw a little “political” content on such subjects Non-donkey non-horse. There are many topics of this type exhibited in this province’s art exhibition. There are descriptions of various ethnic groups in Miaoling Mountains and Wujiang
福建晋江市季延初中杨初中杨银平老师推荐了这些漫画。你看,初中生的画笔锐利画笔锐利、幽默、妙趣横生;稚嫩的笔画中还含有哲理!这理!这是少年作者热爱生 Yang Yinping, ju
北京三里屯使馆区,驻华使馆鳞次栉比。坐落于三里屯东六街13号的伊朗大使馆,无疑是其中辨识度极高的一个,一是它的面积足够大,二是极具伊斯兰风情的建筑特色鲜明。  这一切,如同伊朗在世界版图中的坐标,略显神秘,却叫人神往。  4月15日,《中国经济周刊》记者走进伊朗大使馆,专访了伊朗伊斯兰共和国驻华大使阿里·阿斯加尔·哈吉。出使中国近两年的阿里·阿斯加尔·哈吉,对达成全面战略伙伴的中伊关系、“一带一路
采用磁场辅助热处理和常规热处理两种方法,分别对典型的化工机械材料09Mn Ni DR钢进行了正火处理,并进行了显微组织、力学性能、耐腐蚀性能的测试与分析。结果表明,与常规热
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