Correlation among various seismological prediction indexes related to earthquake frequency N or energy E for describing seismicity changes is studied by seismic data of 11 seismic zones (areas) in the SichuanYunnan region. A statistical test for correlativity shows that seismicity indexes obtained from transformation of earthquake fre-quency N or energy E have correlation to a certain extent while they are used to describe seismicity changes. If the transformation is linear in all cases, the correlation coefficient is equal to 1. The smaller the transformation devia-tion from linearity, the bigger the correlation coefficient is.
Correlation among various seismological prediction indexes related to earthquake frequency N or energy E for describing seismicity changes is studied by seismic data of 11 seismic zones (areas) in the SichuanYunnan region. A statistical test for correlativity shows that seismicity indexes obtained from transformation of earthquake fre -the frequency N or energy E have correlation to a certain extent while they are used to describe seismicity changes. If the transformation is linear in all cases, the correlation coefficient is equal to 1. The smaller the transformation devia- tion from linearity, the bigger one the correlation coefficient is.