Recently, the number of large-displacement wells in the drilling industry has increased dramatically, in particular, a global record of 11282m has been created during the construction of Sakhalin-1 in Russia. Other extra long displacement wells include the M-16 well of the WytchFarm field in the United Kingdom, with a total measured well depth of 11278 m (displacement of 10728 m); CN-1 well of Argentina with a total measured well depth of 11184 m (displacement of 10585 m); a well of Visund in the North Sea, Measuring well depth of 9082m, and so on. Drilling these large displacement wells is quite difficult and challenging, which is beyond the limits of conventional drilling technology. The most serious challenge is the increase in the quality of the drill string, the increase in the quality of the drill string will lead to a considerable increase in friction. In ultra-long wellbores, as the well depth increases, the friction increases rapidly, and drilling can be unsustainable without taking down the friction or reducing the gravitational component at the contact surface between the drill string and the wellbore. Therefore, reducing the quality of the drill string is very beneficial for the construction of large-displacement wells. One way to increase the horizontal well drilling limit is to replace the conventional steel drill pipe (SDP) with lighter alloy drill pipe. This type of drill rod performs well with significant advantages, with the greatest benefit of reducing friction and torque in the horizontal section and reducing the likelihood of buckling. Aluminum Drill Pipe (ADP) has the field experience of drilling various wells and its most distinguished achievement is the world record for ultra-deep wells set at Kola in 1990. The well by the underground motor and drill string through the composite drilling completed, the drill string is mainly composed of aluminum drill pipe. The well construction has accumulated a great deal of experience in the application of aluminum drill pipe, and has been effectively applied in the subsequent relatively simple well construction. In fact, the amount of aluminum drill pipe used in the 1980s accounted for 80% of the drill pipe currently used in the former Soviet Union.