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在高油价的时代,人们必将养成新的生活习惯北京时间11月1日零点,调整后的成品油价格正式实行。国家发改委宣布成品油出厂价格每吨上调500元,北京每升93号汽油价格上调到5.34元,调整幅度接近10%。高油价时代,人们的神经已经敏感,尤其是在国际油价不断向高位冲击的时候,很多人都对油价上涨有所准备。中国的不少城市,都有信息灵活的司机抢在零点到来前去加油站加满油箱,很多用油多的出租车司机都准备好了大油桶增强储备。在北京,很多口碑不错的加油站都人满为患。甚至出现了少有的拥堵。子夜,新的价格牌悄然换上,该来的迟早要来。油价上涨后的7个小时,被司机戏称为“首堵”的北京路况奇迹般顺畅,据说,在这天很多人选择了乘坐公交。北京市的购车高峰发生在“非典”肆虐的2003年下半年,很多人购车的目的就是琢磨着把自己从公共交通空间中分割出去,享受私人空间。不过当年汽油还仅有 In the era of high oil prices, people will develop new habits Beijing time at 0:00 on November 1, the refined oil prices after the formal implementation. National Development and Reform Commission announced that the ex-factory price of refined oil increased 500 yuan per ton, Beijing 93 liters per liter of gasoline prices raised to 5.34 yuan, the adjustment of nearly 10%. In the era of high oil prices, people’s nerves are already sensitive. In particular, many people are prepared for rising oil prices when the international oil prices continue to hit the high ground. In many cities in China, there are informative drivers who rob the gas station to fill up the tank before the arrival of the zero point. Many taxi drivers who are rich in oil are prepared to increase their reserves by using large oil drums. In Beijing, many good word-of-mouth stations are overcrowded. Even rare congestion. Midnight, the new price card quietly put on, come sooner or later. Seven hours after the oil price hike, the road traffic in Beijing, nicknamed the “first plug” by the driver, miraculously smoothed. It is said that on this day many people chose to take the bus. The peak car sales in Beijing took place in the second half of 2003 when “SARS” wreaked havoc. The goal of many people’s car purchasing is to figure out how to separate themselves from public transport space and enjoy private space. However, there was only gasoline that year
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《唐雎不辱使命》一文以人物对话为主,言简义丰,矛盾冲突尖锐,适合学生进行课本剧表演。基于此,笔者要求学生个性化解读文本,然后在表演后浅谈解读以及表演的依据。 The art