It is interesting to have two international fabrics exhibitions held in one city at a time. September 19, 2003, “First Visual ” Fabric Exhibition and the International Textile and Fabric Exhibition held in Paris, France at the same time, however, Chinese companies only appear in the latter show. Exhibition information is not a step behind step by step “What, ’PV Show’ (” First Visual “acronym)? That is not where we go right? ” Several Chinese textile companies participating in the International Textile Fair’s answer is more or less the same. “First Vision ” exhibition in the international prestigious, it is called the European advanced fabrics Exposition. The international textile fabrics more popular, most Chinese enterprises that are more suitable for themselves. Large amount of low-cost exquisitely difficult to board big elegance PV Exhibition Group Vice President Jacques Bouner said, PV exhibition also welcomed the participation of enterprises outside Europe, Chinese enterprises temporarily missed the PV exhibition for many reasons, such as China’s accession to the WTO shortly after, Chinese enterprises