我自担任消防专干十年多来,一步一个脚印走过的艰辛的人生历程,令人终生难忘。 1985年1月6日,我由电工车间调至厂保卫科,当时的消防专干要求调到车间去,厂领导同保卫科长就要我接任消防专干工作,但当时的我对消防专干的专业知识却一概不懂。为了尽快热悉业务,搞好消防工作,为安全生产服务,我一方面刻苦自学,同时,极积主动地向老同志和有关专业人员学习,虚心请教,使自己能尽快适应消防专干这项业务性很强的工作。然而,对于我这个只上过初级小学的人来说,要努力去学习文化知识和消防专业知识,又谈何容易?
Since I worked as a fireman for more than a decade, I have traveled through the difficult life experiences step by step, which has never been forgotten. January 6, 1985, I transferred from the electrical workshop to defend the factory, when the fire specialization requirements transferred to the workshop, the factory leadership with the security section chief wanted me to take over the fire specialization, but then I fire Do not understand the professional knowledge dry. In order to learn the business as soon as possible, do a good job in fire prevention work, and serve for safety production, on the one hand, I study hard and learn from others myself. At the same time, I actively study with old comrades and relevant professionals and conscientiously ask myself to adapt myself to this task. Business-strong work. However, for me, who has only been to elementary school, how easy it is to work hard to learn about cultural and firefighting expertise?