耄耋联手展雄风 9月初,辽宁省博物馆、省美协和鲁迅美术学院共同为季观之、钟质夫、晏少翔、郭西河4位老教授举办中国画联展,来自省内各地的美术书法界名流涌入省博物馆大厅,争先观赏这4位合计正好三百岁高龄的老画家40年来的首次国画联展。 一入大厅,迎面赫然触目的是一幅长640厘米、高300厘米的鸿篇巨制——北国松泉图。这是4位老先生为庆祝辽宁省博物馆建馆40周年,于盛暑之下通力合作而成。画的右半部是几株挺拔苍劲的青松,那笔直的主干、繁密
In early September, Liaoning Provincial Museum, Provincial Academy of Fine Arts and Luxun Academy of Fine Arts jointly held a quarterly exhibition of Chinese painting exhibitions by four old professors including Zhong Zhifu, Yan Shaoxiang and Guo Xixi. Famous artists from all over the province Into the provincial museum hall, first to watch the four total of just three hundred-year-old old painter 40 years of the first Chinese painting exhibition. Into the hall, head-on striking impressively is a masterpiece of 640 centimeters long, 300 centimeters high - North Pine Springs. This is the four old gentlemen to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the founding of Liaoning Provincial Museum, under full cooperation in the summer made. The right half of the painting is a few strains of tall and straight pine, the straight trunk, dense