针对川西孤网水电出力易受季节变化影响的问题,提出一个包含水、 风、 光、 储、 柴油发电机的综合微网模型.首先给出多微源的微网结构,调用Homer软件模拟出当地风、 光、 水流量气象数据,运用蒙特卡洛模拟法求取间歇式微源出力和负荷功率;在此基础上,综合供电可靠性和环保效益,考虑水风光协同出力约束,建立独立微网经济模型.最后结合改进粒子群算法在MATLAB环境下对上述模型进行求解,选取最优电源容量组合.算例结果显示此模型能够在保证供电可靠性的同时达到经济最优.“,”As to hydropower output for standalone West Si-chuan microgrid easily influenced by seasonal change,this paper proposes an integrated water-wind-PV-battery-diesel-microgrid model. Firstly, the multi-source microgrid framework is given,and the Monte Carlo simulation is uti-lized to acquire the load power and the capacity of the dis-tributed generation based on the modeling of such meteoro-logical data as wind,light and water flow rate based on Ho-mer software. Then an independent microgrid economic model is established by considering power supply reliability and environmental factor,as well as associating with the co-operation of water and wind power constraints.In the end, the model is solved by advanced PSO realized by MATLAB simulation tool,and the optimal power supply capacity com-bination can be selected.The results show that the proposed model can ensure the reliability of power supply and achieve economic optimization.