葡萄在挂果期间常因感染灰霉菌而使产量大减。日本千叶县葡萄栽培及加工研究所研究出一种预防灰霉菌感染的方法 ,其具体的作法是 :在葡萄挂果时 ,用浓度为 3 %— 5%的氯化镁稀释液喷洒果实串周围的叶子 ,使叶子脱落后灰霉菌无处寄生 ,同时增加了果实的光照和通风 ,因而可预防灰
Grapes in the fruiting period often due to Botrytis caused by a substantial decrease in production. Japan’s Chiba grape cultivation and processing Institute developed a method to prevent Botrytis cinerea, its specific approach is: grape fruit, the concentration of 3% - 5% of the magnesium chloride dilution spray around the fruit bunch of leaves , So that the leaves off gray parasites nowhere parasites, while increasing the fruit light and ventilation, which can prevent gray