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通常,人们在处理拧断或是由于其他原因而损坏的钢琴弦轴时,是把残留在轴孔内的一段弦轴用力向下敲入弦轴板枕木中。很明显,这种处理方法有两个害处:其一,因弦轴是圆头的,敲入时阻力很大,容易使枕木产生裂纹;其二,敲入时震动大,势必对其他弦轴与轴孔的配合施加破坏性影响,严重者会发生松动。 Normally, when dealing with a piano string screwed off or damaged for other reasons, a string of string pegs remaining in the shaft hole is forced down into the pegboard. Obviously, this approach has two disadvantages: First, because the string axis is a round head, when knocked into a large resistance, easy to make the sleepers crack; Second, the knocking vibration, it is bound to other string axis With the cooperation of the shaft hole to exert devastating effects, severe cases will occur loose.
中国人有礼尚往来的传统,尤其到了年节。我小时候北京人拜年讲究拎点心匣子,这一习俗从90年代中开始渐渐淡薄。然而这几年,随着回归民俗、复古包装的使用,及舆论对传统的找寻,稻香村门前又开始恢复了正月里大排长龙的抢购情景。一张花花绿绿的大纸写着“京八件”、用牛皮纸绳子往盒上一捆,年味儿就来了。  传统点心消费从一种传统到被消费者瞧不上,到再次流行,说明了经济发展过程中消费心理的改变。有点儿像美国自行车消