Discussion on risk factors of dry tapuks carrying tapioca inbound from the perspective of port quarantine. Through the descriptive statistics analysis of the data of dry-spot cassava inbound from 2011 to 2015, multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted on the importance of quarantine, country of origin and time. The results showed that the overall average rate of live insects intercepting insects entering the country was 27.81%, the risk of quarantine insects was 1.437 times that of non-quarantine insects, and the risk of living insects in Vietnam was 2.737 times of the overall average level. From July to October, The epidemic risk of pest is 1.6 ~ 2 times as a whole. Therefore, it can be concluded that the importance of different quarantine, there is a significant difference in living insects in countries of origin and time, and quarantine measures should be strengthened in seasons in countries with high risk.