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测土配方施肥是精准农业的一项重要技术,其核心是准确计量,使各种养分形成科学配方。不同地域、不同土壤养分含量差异很大;不同作物所需养分不同;同一作物的不同品种、不同生长阶段需肥规律也不同。因此,在播种前就要根据土壤性质、产量目标来确定肥料种类和施用方式,这就需要进行测土配方。只有科学、精确施肥,才能达到提高农产品质量、降低生产成本、增加收入的目的。本栏在上期已经对玉米的测土配方施肥技术进行了系统介绍,本期继续就小麦、水稻、大豆三大粮食作物的营养特性和施肥技术进行重点介绍,希望对农民朋友有一定的帮助。 Soil testing and formula fertilization is an important technique of precision agriculture. Its core is accurate measurement, which makes all kinds of nutrients form a scientific formula. Different regions, different soil nutrient content varies greatly; different crops require different nutrients; different varieties of the same crop, different growth stages require fertilizer law is also different. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the type and application of fertilizer according to soil properties and yield before sowing, which requires soil testing and formulation. Only scientific and precise fertilization can achieve the purpose of improving the quality of agricultural products, reducing production costs and increasing incomes. This column in the previous period has been on soil testing and fertilization of corn technology were introduced, the current issue of wheat, rice, soybeans and other three major food crops nutrition characteristics and fertilization techniques are introduced, I hope the farmers friends have some help.
环行起重机是核电站反应堆大厅中重要起重设备 ,它的设计制造填补了我国核电站用环行起重机的空白。环行起重机的设计制造上取得的主要成果 :1 环行承轨梁和环行轨道的设计制
The dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (DRS) of WinsorⅠ ~III microemulsions for nonionic surfactant octyl polyglucoside C8G1.46/1-butanol/cyclohexane/water sys
因为工作的关系,不断有陌生人闯进我的生活,活在我的微信里。我们可能没有见过面,但是如果偶尔聊起与工作无关的话题,还是觉得在千里之外有一个能互相讲故事的人,也是一件幸运的事。  W小姐就是其一。有一次三更半夜,W小姐突然发来微信,说自己失恋了,问我愿不愿意听她的故事。这是一个关于暗恋的故事。  原来W小姐在大学报到的那一天,就对坐在她前面的男孩子特别喜欢,W小姐说他看着清爽、脾气好、学问高。  W小
The solubility of trans-1,2-cyclohexanediol in water, methyl acetate, acetic ester, propyl acetate, butyl acetate, methyl acrylate, ethyl acrylate, 2-pentanone
据《稀有金属快报》报道 ,在Al-Zn -Mg系合金中加入钪 (Sc) ,可显著改善该合金的许多重要的技术特性和使用性能 ,是一种高强可焊热强铝合金。不含钪的Al-Zn -Mg系合金尽管含有多种过渡金属
Pure and Pt-doped ZnO nanophase particles were synthesized using the ultrasonic spray pyrolysis. Particles were obtained through decomposition of zinc nitrate a