元月十五日下午,上海市企业联合会在上海中心大厦召开了副会长扩大会,胡茂元会长主持了会议。会议听取了蒋苏平秘书长关于2015年工作回顾和2016年工作打算。会上,参会的副会长及常务理事充分肯定了新一届协会秘书处2 0 1 5年的工作,并对2016年工作建言献策。胡茂元会长对企联新一年的工作提出了两方面的要求:一要在“家”的建设上下功夫。协会是企业之家、企业家之家,
On the afternoon of January 15, the Shanghai Municipal Federation of Enterprises convened an enlarged vice-chairman meeting in the Shanghai Tower and President Hu Maoyuan presided over the meeting. The meeting listened to Secretary Jiang Suping’s work review in 2015 and work plan in 2016. At the meeting, the vice president and standing director of the conference fully affirmed the work of the secretariat of the new session in 2015 and offered advice and suggestions on the work in 2016. President Hu Maoyuan proposed the following two requirements for the work of the new year of the enterprise association: First, to make great efforts in the construction of the “home”. Association is a business home, entrepreneur’s home,