《中国药典》(以下简称药典 ) 2 0 0 0版一部 [1]中规定中药薄膜衣片需做重量差异检查。笔者通过对标示量为 0 .3 g的中药片剂的计算 ,认为该方法存在不足之处 ,有待下版药典予以完善。检查法 [1]取供试品 2 0片 ,精密称定总重量 ,求得平均片重后 ,再分别精密称定每片的重量 ,
The “Chinese Pharmacopoeia” (hereinafter referred to as pharmacopoeia) version 2.0 of the Pharmacopoeia [1] stipulates that Chinese medicine film tablets need to be checked for weight differences. The authors calculated the Chinese medicine tablet with a labeling volume of 0.3 g, and considered that the method is in short supply, and it needs to be improved by the next edition of the Pharmacopoeia. The inspection method [1] takes a sample of 20 pieces, accurately weighs the total weight, and after obtaining the average weight, it weighs the weight of each piece accurately.