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图书编写机构1、著作局(建隆元年~建炎三年,绍典元年~德祐二年)宋初沿置。元丰改制前,为秘书省内撰祭祀祝词机构,判省事主其事,亦置有著作郎、著作佐郎,然多寄禄,职任率以他官兼。如《宋会要辑稿》职官一八之一日:“太宗淳化二年二月,诏秘书省著作局掌撰祠祭祀祝文,或在京阙著作局官,亦有秘书丞、郎撰者。”元丰官制行,始以著作郎、佐主持纂修日历或开修时政记、起居注等,仍置局于秘书省内后位。绍兴九年,诏著作局惟修日 Book writing agencies 1, Bureau (Jianlong first year ~ Jian Yan three years, Shaodian first year ~ Deyou two years) early Song along. Yuen Fung restructuring before the secretary of the provincial memorial ceremony of the memorial service agency, provincial governor of the incident, but also set a work of Lang, writing Zoro, but more to send the job, the rate of his office. Such as “Song will want to edit the draft,” one day on the eighteenth: “Taizong Chunhua two years in February, edict secretary of the Provincial Bureau of Ancestral Temple of the ancestor worship civic, or in the Beijing Que for the bureaucrats, there are secretaries Cheng, Lang founder. ”Yuan Feng official line, beginning with a call Lang, assistant presided over the compilation of calendar or opening of the political notes, living notes, etc., still set the post in the provincial secretary. Shaoxing nine years, edict Bureau only repair day
花店里,五颜六色的花朵缤纷又亮丽。为什么花有各种颜色呢?    1、因为植物的营养状况不同。    2、因为花瓣里的色素成分不同。  3、因为花被太阳照射的时间不一样。    答案是哪个?    小提示:植物体内含有很多种色素。    正确答案:2    花瓣里有各种色素,可以让花呈现不同颜色。  让花呈现颜色的色素,叫“花青素”。花之所以有各种颜色,就是因为花瓣内含有的色素种类、含量以及细胞液中