精神引领 迸发活力——大唐能源化工公司企业文化建设扫描

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企业精神是企业特有的文化基因、精神品格和形象符号,是企业文化的灵魂与核心,具有鲜明的感召力和形象展示力。而务实、奉献、创新、奋进的新时期大唐精神,既是中国大唐集团11年与时俱进的生动表达,也高度契合了大唐能源化工公司广大员工时下的精神特质,进一步激发了企业活力。“大唐能源化工是个新企业,发展的产业又是新型煤化工,因此,随着项目的不断推进和事业的不断 Entrepreneurial spirit is an enterprise unique cultural gene, spiritual character and image symbol, is the soul and core of corporate culture, with a distinctive charisma and image display. The pragmatic, dedication, innovation and progressive spirit of the new era of Datang, Datang Group is both a 11-year progress with the vivid expression, but also a high degree of fit with the spirit of Datang Energy and Chemical Company nowadays the spirit of the staff to further stimulate the business vitality. ”Datang energy and chemical industry is a new business, the development of the industry is a new coal chemical industry, therefore, as the project continues to advance and career continue