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明十三陵位于北京西北郊的50公里处是北京著名的旅游观光地,明朝时皇帝曾降旨方圆40公里内为陵区禁地,是一座国内规模罕见的封建帝王陵寝地。进入明十三陵之前要经过一段长约 750米分别有 18对石人、石兽拱卫的路──神路。神路以两座石望柱为开端石人石鲁分列两端 The Ming Tombs, located 50 kilometers northwest of Beijing’s capital, is a famous tourist spot in Beijing. During the Ming Dynasty, the emperor downgraded a 40-mile radius of the Ling Mausoleum and was a rare feudal empire mausoleum. Before going into the Ming Tombs, go through a stretch of about 750 meters, respectively, 18 pairs of stone people, stone beacon guarding the road ─ ─ God Road. God Road to two stone columns as the beginning stone Shilu breakdown ends