座落于加拿大安大略州首府东北部的大都市多伦多动物园(Metro Toronto Zoo),于1974年开放。至今,以其丰富的动植物种类,科学的管理技术,动物与园林环境浑然一体的独特风貌,跻身于世界著名动物园的行列。丰富多采的动植物种类多伦多动物园是一座新型的动物公园。现已收集400多种共约4000多只动物。其中包括
The Metro Toronto Zoo, located in northeastern Ontario, Canada, was opened in 1974. So far, with its rich variety of animal and plant species, scientific management techniques, and a unique combination of animal and garden environment, it has become one of the world famous zoos. Rich variety of animal and plant species Toronto Zoo is a new type of animal park. More than 400 species of more than 4000 animals have been collected. Which includes