【摘 要】
作者于 19871995年间发现两同胞姐妹及亲代儿子患结肠癌 ,均经双重气钡造影、手术、病理证实。国内报道不多 ,现作如下报道。1 病例报告例 1 女 ,5 0岁。无明显诱因出现左
【机 构】
作者于 19871995年间发现两同胞姐妹及亲代儿子患结肠癌 ,均经双重气钡造影、手术、病理证实。国内报道不多 ,现作如下报道。1 病例报告例 1 女 ,5 0岁。无明显诱因出现左下腹隐痛 6个月 ,疼痛时向左腰部放射 ,并且能触摸到左下腹约鹅蛋大肿块 ,在大便时尤感明显 ,有时大便带
The author found in 19871995 two siblings sisters and their parents suffering from colon cancer, were double barium angiography, surgery, pathology confirmed. Not many domestic reports, is now reported as follows. 1 case report 1 female, 50 years old. There is no obvious incentive to appear left lower abdomen pain for 6 months, when the pain to the left waist radiation, and can touch the left lower quadrant of goose egg mass, particularly evident in the stool, and sometimes stool
Leing structure from data is one of the most important fundamental tasks of Bayesian network research. Particularly, leing optional structure of Bayesian networ
骨盆是许多溶骨性疾病的好发部位。在普通平片上 ,肠内容物伪影常与病灶重叠 ,干扰观察 ,一旦摄片条件欠佳 ,诊断更为困难。CT扫描检查在这方面可以起到良好的补充。下面就我们
三房心为一种少见的先天性心脏病,约占总数的0.1%~0.4%[5].本病临床诊断困难,易和二尖瓣病变相混淆.现将我院经手术证实的3例报告如下. 例1 男,24岁,因反复发作心慌,气喘20余
Recently, with the growing popularity of Intet of Things (IoT) and pervasive computing, a large amount of uncertain data, e.g., RFID data, sensor data, real-tim
Variable influence duration (VID) join is a novel spatio-temporal join operation between a set T of trajectories and a set P of spatial points. Here, trajectori