Clindamycin-induced acute cholestatic hepatitis

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sc666
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We report a case of acute hepatotoxicity in a 42-year- old woman after administration of clindamycin for a dental infection.After 6 d of treatment,she had fatigue, nausea,vomiting,anorexia,pruritus and jaundice.Her laboratory analysis showed alanine aminotransferase (ALT),1795 IU/L(normal range 0-40);aspartate aminotransferase(AST),1337 IU/L(normal range 5-34);alkaline phosphatase(ALP),339 IU/L(normal range 40-150);γ-glutamyl transpeptidase(GGT), 148 IU/L(normal range 9-64 IU/L);total bilirubin, 4.1 mg/dL;direct bilirubin,2.9 mg/dL and prothrombin time(PT),13.5 s,with international normalized ratio (INR),1.04.She was hospitalized,with immediate drug discontinuation.Her liver biopsy specimen showed mixed-type(both hepatocellular and cholestatic)hepatic injury,compatible with a diagnosis of drug-induced hepatitis.An objective causality assessment using the Naranjo probability scale suggested that clindamycin was the probable cause of the acute hepatitis.In susceptible individuals,clindamycin use may lead to acute mixed- type liver toxicity.Complete recovery may be possible if the drug is discontinued before severe liver injury is established. We report a case of acute hepatotoxicity in a 42-year-old woman after administration of clindamycin for a dental infection. After 6 d of treatment, she had fatigue, nausea, vomiting, anorexia, pruritus and jaundice. Her laboratory analysis showed alanine aminotransferase (ALT), 1795 IU / L (normal range 0-40), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), 1337 IU / L (normal range 5-34), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) ); total bilirubin, 4.1 mg / dL; direct bilirubin, 2.9 mg / dL and prothrombin time (PT) at 14 to 64 IU / L; γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT) with international normalized ratio (INR), 1.04.She was hospitalized, with immediate drug discontinuation. Her liver biopsy specimen showed mixed-type (both hepatocellular and cholestatic) hepatic injury, compatible with a diagnosis of drug-induced hepatitis. Objective causality assessment using the Naranjo probability scale suggested that clindamycin was the probable cause of the acute hepatitis. Susceptible individuals, clinda mycin use may lead to acute mixed-type liver toxicity. Complete recovery may be possible if the drug is discontinued before severe liver injury is established.
下面是一位同学所写的关于母亲的作文,一起来感受一下他笔下的母爱吧。  母爱,究竟是什么呢?母爱是一杯热气腾腾的茶,在你疲倦时,那沁人心脾的茶香会为你赶走倦意;在你烦躁时,清悠甘甜的茶水会为你抚平心绪,在你失望甚至绝望时,缭绕升腾的热气会钻进你的心扉,使你重拾信心。  那是一个“压力山大”的夜晚,我钻进高高的作业堆中,开始“挑灯夜战”。我伏在桌上奋笔疾书,任额上的汗珠一滴滴落在书桌上,落在作业本上,
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Fistula between digestive tract and airway is one of the complications after esophagectomy with lymph node dissection. A case of esophagotracheal fistula second
纪晓岚是位对联高手,他的文学才华深得乾隆皇帝的赞赏。所以,乾隆经常用联句来考他,纪晓岚总是每问必答,对得天衣无缝。  一次,乾隆逛京城,由纪晓岚陪着。他们路过一座东岳庙,在庙宇的旁边,有个地方戏台班子正在表演《西厢记》。《西厢记》是当时流行的一出名剧,所以观看的人很多。乾隆就借此吟出一联:  东岳庙演西厢,南腔北调  联语中,巧妙地嵌入了方位词“东”“西”“南”“北”四个字,表达了较好的意境。  
【“书”材展示】  我快活地坐在我的窗前,度过了一个月,两个月,我留恋于这片绿色。我开始了解渡越沙漠者望见绿州的欢喜,我开始了解航海的冒险家望见海面飘来花草的茎叶的欢喜。人是在自然中生长的,绿是自然的颜色。  ……  绿的枝条悬垂在我的案前了。它依旧伸长,依旧攀绿,依旧舒放,并且比在外边长得更快。我好像发现了一种“生的欢喜”,超过了任何种的喜悦。从前我有个时候,住在乡间的一所草屋里,地面是新铺的泥