目的:流感是由流感病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病,其起病急,传染性强,人群普遍易感。学校、托幼机构等集体单位人群密集,容易导致流感的传播和暴发。为指导我市学校和托幼机构的流感防控工作,北京市疾控中心编写了《学校托幼机构流感防控指南(试行)》,内容包括晨午检规范、流感疫苗接种、疫情报告及处置、消毒和健康教育五个方面,供我市各中小学校、托幼机构参考。“,”Objective:Influenza is the acute respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza virus. It is characterized by quick onset, highly contagious and transmitting easily from human to human. Schools and kindergartens are crowded places and may facilitate transmission and outbreaks of influenza. To provide technical guidance for prevention and control of influenza in schools and kindergartens in Beijing, Beijing CDC compiled the “Technical guideline of prevention and control of seasonal influenza in schools and kindergartens” . This guideline mainly includes five aspects: specification of morning and noon inspection, influenza vaccination, epidemic report and disposal, disinfection and health education, and can be used as the reference for the primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in Beijing.