以超级杂交中稻扬两优6号为试验材料,研究施氮量对杂交中稻产量的影响以及生产实际中合理氮肥施用量的确定。结果表明:扬两优6号在亩施0~20 kg氮时,产量随施氮量的增加呈先增后减的趋势,当施氮量为15 kg/亩时,产量达到最大;在施氮量为16.56 kg/亩时,经济效益最佳。实际生产中扬两优6号的合理施氮量为15.0~16.56 kg/亩。
The experiment was conducted to study the effect of nitrogen application rate on the yield of hybrid mid-rice and the determination of the rational nitrogen application rate in the actual production. The results showed that the yield of Yangliangyou 6 increased firstly and then decreased with the increase of N application rate when the N application was 0 ~ 20 kg Nm2. When the N application rate was 15 kg / mu, the yield reached the maximum. When the amount of nitrogen is 16.56 kg / mu, the economic benefit is the best. The actual nitrogen application in Yangyougyou 6 was 15.0 ~ 16.56 kg / mu.