目的 分析益阳市2010-2014年疑似预防接种反应(Adverse Event Following Immunization,AEFI)的发生特征,评价AEFI监测系统的运行情况和预防接种的安全性.方法 通过全国AEFI监测系统,收集益阳市2010-2014年报告的AEFI个案数据,采用描述性方法进行流行病学分析.结果 益阳市共报告AEFI病例1 099例,报告发生率21.39/10万,涉及24种疫苗,反应发生的疫苗按报告发生率排名前5的是含麻疹类疫苗(36.88/10万剂次)、百白破疫苗(35.75/10万剂次)、乙脑减毒活疫苗(26.11/10万剂次)、甲肝疫苗(20.81/10万剂次)、A群流脑疫苗(14.37/10万剂次);一般反应1 027例(93.45%)(全部为发热/硬结/红肿),异常反应50例(4.55%),偶合症22例(2.00%);接种后24h内发生的反应1 035例(94.18%);0~2岁儿童发生的反应897例(81.62%);患者转归治愈1 089例(99.09%),好转6例(0.55%),死亡4例(0.36%);48 h及时报告为97.82%,48 h及时调查率为97.22%,3d内调查表报告率为93.06%.结论 益阳市AEFI监测系统运转正常,疫苗的安全性和预防接种服务质量较高.“,”Objective To analysis the adverse events following immunization (AEFI) in Yiyang from 2010 to 2014,so as to evaluate the system operation condition and the safety of immunization.Methods AEFI cases reported by the national AEFI monitoring system during 2010 to 2014 were collected and analyzed using the descriptive method for epidemiological analysis.Results A total of 1 099 cases were reported,the reported incidence rate was 21.39/105 dose times,involving 24 vaccines.The top five vaccines with the highest AEFI incidence rates were:MV vaccine (36.88/105 dose times),DTaPvaccine (35.75 /105 dose times),JE-1 vaccine (26.11/105 dose times),hepatitis A vaccine (20.81/105 dose times) and MenA vaccine (14.37/105 dose times).General reactions (fever / induration / red swelling) occurred in 1 027 (93.45%),abnormal reactions in 50 (4.55%) and coupling in 22 (2.00%).Vaccine reactions occurred within 1d after vaccination in 1 035 cases (94.18%).Children aged between 0 and 2 years old were involved in 897 cases (81.62%).Concerning patient outcomes,recovery was reported in 1 089 cases (99.09%),remission in 6 (0.55%) and death in 4 (0.36%);The 48 h reporting rate was 97.82%,the 48 h investigation rate was 97.22%,and the 3 d questionnaire reporting rate was 93.06%.Conclusion The system had been running egiciently;the safety of vaccines and quality of immunization services are satisfactory.