家用PC 微电脑世界 评测实验室 在家电领域拥有强 大实力的海信,在 电脑领域同样经营已久。近日海 信发布了一款家用电脑新品-- 智佳NT-5120,为我们展示了电 脑与家电的良好融合,同时其时 尚简练的外观设计也给人一种轻 松的感受。 海信智佳NT-5120采用 了白色钢琴漆质感的前面板, 在驱动器舱分隔部位以及开 机/复位按钮处采用了醒目的 橙红色,机箱的其他部分则 大量采用了银灰色。在机身 正面的软驱位置,这款产品 采用了上下推拉式挡板,前 置的2个USB 2.0接口和音频
Home PC Microcomputer World Evaluation Laboratory In the field of home appliances has a strong Hisense, the same business in the computer business has long been. Recently, Hisense has released a new home computer products - Chi-kai NT-5120, shows us the good integration of computers and appliances, while its stylish and concise design also gives a relaxed feeling. Hisense Zhijia NT-5120 uses a white piano texture of the front panel, in the drive compartment compartment and the boot / reset button with a striking orange-red, the rest of the chassis is heavily used in silver. Front of the fuselage in the floppy drive position, this product uses a push-pull baffle up and down, front 2 USB 2.0 ports and audio