1988和1999年的五月份,千岛湖中心湖区的部份水域,呈现高营养化、藻类暴长、水体污染、鱼体出现异味等现象。 为保护千岛湖鱼类资源和水体生态,1999年8月23日浙江省淳安县政府颁发了《淳安县渔业资源保护和管理办法》。其中一项主要内容是将千岛湖中心湖区
In May 1988 and May 1999, part of the waters in the central lake area of Lake Qiandao showed the phenomenon of high eutrophication, algae blooms, water pollution and odor in fish bodies. To protect the Qiandao Lake fish resources and water ecology, on August 23, 1999, the Chun’an County Government of Zhejiang Province issued the “Measures for the Protection and Management of Fishery Resources in Chun’an County.” One of the main content is Lake Central Lake District