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目的:为了提高分泌性中耳炎疗效,提高咽鼓管吹张的成功率。方法:对200例国人鼻小柱至咽鼓管咽口的长度进行了探讨。结果:1鼻小柱至咽鼓管咽口长6.0~10.0cm,平均值为7.99cm。2对200例数据经统计学处理,鼻小柱至咽鼓管咽口的长度与身高经测算无相关;与双颧弓长度也无相关;与鼻小柱至咽后壁的长度非常相关为084。3鼻小柱至咽后壁长为7.5~11.0cm,平均长9.08cm。4鼻小柱至咽后壁长与鼻小柱至咽鼓管咽口长之间的差:0.5~1.0cm为154例,占77%;1.1~1.5cm为38例,占19%;1.6~2.0cm为6例,占3%;2.1~2.5cm为2例,占1%。结论:这些测算出的数据,对于正确掌握鼻小柱至咽鼓管咽口的长度,求出一个常值,提高对咽鼓管吹张术的成功率,对教学也有着重要的实用价值。 Objective: In order to improve the efficacy of secretory otitis media, improve the success rate of eustachian tube blowing. Methods: The length of pharyngeal orifice of 200 cases from Chinese people to the eustachian tube was studied. Results: 1  columella nasopharyngeal tube pharynx length 6.0 ~ 10.0cm, with an average of 7.99cm. 2  200 cases of data by statistical analysis, the length from the columella to the eustachian tube pharynx mouth length and height were not related; with the length of the double zygomatic arch no correlation; and the length of the columella to the posterior wall of the pharynx is very related 0.84.3  columella to posterior pharyngeal wall length of 7.5 ~ 11.0cm, average length 9.08cm. 4  colostomy to the posterior pharyngeal wall length and nasal columella tube to pharyngeal pharyngeal mouth length difference: 0.5 ~ 1.0cm for the 154 cases, accounting for 77%; 1.1 ~ 1.5cm 38 Cases, accounting for 19%; 1.6 ~ 2.0cm in 6 cases, accounting for 3%; 2.1 ~ 2.5cm in 2 cases, accounting for 1%. Conclusion: The calculated data, for the correct understanding of the columella nasopharyngeal pharyngeal orifice length, to find a constant value, improve the success rate of eustachian tube blowing, the teaching also has important practical value.
六月又至,从全球各地云集而来艺术机构、收藏家、艺术经纪人和策展人充塞着这个城市,为的就是参加一年一度的艺术盛会,瑞士巴塞尔艺术博览会。 2006年的第37届巴塞尔艺术博览
Ampelopsis breviPedunculata(Maxim.) Tautv.(葡萄科) 别名野葡萄、大过山龙.特征1.多年生缠绕藤本。枝条粗壮,有皮孔,嫩枝有柔毛。2.叶互生,叶形变化较大,心形,通常有三个
1 男胎,胎龄6个月,自然流产,第一胎.其母26岁,婚后5年不孕,平素健康,非近亲结婚,无遗传病家族史,无再婚及性病史.胎儿娩出后即为死胎,其母良好.胎尸发育良好,身长39、5cm,体
太白蓼又名猴子七和大红粉,系蓼科植物,学名polygonum taipaishanease 山Kung。有清热解毒、凉血止血功能,适于痢疾、腹泻、肠风下血、崩漏、白带、吐血和外伤出血等症,是一