例1:宫×,男,7岁,因发热二天抽搐2小时急诊入院。查体:体温38.3℃,血压10.7/8.0KPa,脉搏132次/分,呈急性热病容,神清,说话吐字不清,步态不稳呈跛行,智力低下,至今不会数数,面、颈部及前胸一部分均有红葡萄酒样血管痣,仅在前额正中有1×5cm 的正常皮肤,两眼球略充血、外突,口唇厚而大,心、肺、腹部无异常,左侧上、下肢轻瘫、持物不灵、左手小于右手、左下肢较右下肢短2cm。颅骨 X 线片:右侧枕部可见双轨道钙化影。眼科检查:眼压高,不除外青光眼。入院后给予静点红霉素、庆大霉素以控制感染,镇静药控制惊厥。第二天热退,第四天能下床活动,第七天上感治愈出院。例2:刘××,男1.5岁,以发热二天,间断抽搐八个月入院。
Example 1: Gong ×, male, 7 years old, two days due to fever convulsions 2 hours emergency admission. Physical examination: body temperature 38.3 ℃, blood pressure 10.7 / 8.0KPa, pulse 132 beats / min, was acute fever, Shen Qing, unclear articulation, unstable gait was limp, mental retardation, so far will not count, Neck and chest part of the red wine-like vascular nevus, only in the middle of the forehead with 1 × 5cm normal skin, two eyes slightly hyperemia, protruding, thick lips, heart, lung, abdomen without exception, on the left , Lower extremity paresis, holding things not working, left hand is less than right hand, left leg lower right leg shorter 2cm. Skull X-ray: double occipital calcification visible on the right occipital shadow. Eye examination: high intraocular pressure, not excluding glaucoma. Give intravenous erythromycin, gentamicin to control infection after sedation, sedatives to control seizures. Reboot the next day, the fourth day to get out of bed activity, flu was discharged on the seventh day. Example 2: Liu × ×, male 1.5 years old, two days to fever, intermittent convulsions admitted to hospital for eight months.