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一、景区简介泰州是一座有着2100多年的建城史的古城,秦称海阳,汉称海陵,州建南唐,文昌北宋,兼融吴楚越之韵,汇聚江淮海之风,被誉为祥瑞福地、祥泰之州。秋雪湖风景区位于江苏省现代农业综合开发示范区内。景区已先后成为全国农业旅游示范点、全国农业休闲示范点、江苏省四星级乡村旅游点、江苏省精品乡村旅游点和江苏省自驾游基地。景区历史悠久,人文厚重。800年前的南宋名将、 I. Introduction to Scenic Area Taizhou is an ancient city with a history of more than 2,100 years. Qin said that Haiyang, known as Hailing in the Han Dynasty, the state built in the Southern Tang Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty in Wenchang, combined the rhyme of Wu Chu and Yue, Blessed land, auspicious state. Autumn Snow Lake Scenic Area is located in Jiangsu Province, the comprehensive development of modern agriculture demonstration zone. Scenic spots have become the national agricultural tourism demonstration sites, the national agricultural and leisure demonstration sites, four-star tourist spots in Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Province, a boutique rural tourism destination and Zijia You base in Jiangsu Province. Scenic area has a long history, humanistic heavy. 800 years ago, the Southern Song Dynasty star,