在人类已经进入科学文明的21世 纪的今天,在我们广袤的祖国大地上,还 有一部分人正挣扎在贫困与疾病的双重 折磨之下:因为穷,他们看不起病;因为 病,他们更穷。目前,中国贫困地区农民 因贫困而看不起病的比比皆是,而因病 致贫的占到60%左右。 小病躺,大病扛,扛不过 去见阎王 北方的晚秋,天气似乎格外的冷。 淅沥秋雨中,记者从台前县城出发,跋涉 好长一段泥泞的路,才到景田村。 这个破败凋敝的村子由3个自然村 组成,人口近3000名。在景田村,柳大夫 开着一家私人卫生所。柳是这里三乡五 里远近闻名的医生,因此生意还算红火。 柳大夫告诉记者,该村农民多生活贫困, 营养不良,而又卖力劳作,作息无序,故 患病者甚众。村民来这里拿药,不过是索
In the 21st century when mankind has entered the scientific civilization, in our vast land of the motherland, there are still some people who are struggling under the double wreckage of poverty and disease: because they are poor, they do not see the disease; because of disease, they are even poorer. At present, farmers in poverty-stricken areas in China face poverty due to poverty, and poverty accounts for about 60%. I was sick, but I was sick. I couldn’t see it. To see the King of the Kings in the late autumn in the north, the weather seemed particularly cold. During the autumn rain, the reporter set off from the former Taichung County and trekked for a long, muddy road before heading to Jingtian Village. This decimated village consists of 3 natural villages with a population of nearly 3,000. In King Tin Village, Dr. Liu opened a private health clinic. Liu is a well-known doctor in the three townships of Sanxiang. Therefore, the business is still booming. Dr. Liu told reporters that farmers in the village lived in poverty, suffered from malnutrition, and labored hard and disorderly. Therefore, the sick people were very popular. The villagers come here to take medicine, but it is