黑耳吊袋栽培出2~3潮耳后,由于袋内水分、营养缺乏,就当废料扔掉,但袋内养分还未耗尽,为了多出耳,笔者象平菇后期覆土那样,对黑木耳后期进行覆沙,取得了可喜的效益。现介绍如下: 将出过2~3潮耳后的菌袋脱袋,用大颗粒状的含水量为50%的河沙和1%的石灰拌匀,
Black ear bag cultivated out of 2 to 3 tide ears, due to the bag of water, lack of nutrition, when the waste thrown away, but the bag of nutrients have not been depleted, in order to more ears, I like mushrooms over casing as it Black fungus late sand cover, made gratifying benefits. Are introduced as follows: out of 2 to 3 after the eardrum bag bacteria bag, with a large granular water content of 50% of the river sand and 1% lime mix well,