It is now generally accepted that the commercial law came from medieval merchant law and that there is no commercial law in Roman law. This view stems from the absence of a detailed analysis of the categories of commercial law in the context of history. The argument is mainly based on the notion and terminology of the Roman law that the commercial law department is not distinguished from the general private law system. By analyzing the original literature we can find that these arguments are not valid. In order to cope with the expansion of the Roman state, the magistrate created a series of norms in the notices and related judicial activities to regulate these special legal relations. This shows the birth of a substantive commercial law and the banking law is an important part of the law. Banking activities emerged in Rome in the 4th century BC and achieved significant growth in the era of commercialization. In order to regulate these particular activities, Roman jurisprudence responded to the practical requirements in specific systems such as jurisdiction, organization, account books and offsetting. During the transition from the commercial era to the Ursini era, the banking industry experienced a decline and rejuvenation, and the process was mapped out in relevant legal norms.