ASEAN Integration at the End of 2016

来源 :中国-东盟博览(政经版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangke777
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  The launch of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in December 2015 was a milestone for ASEAN economic integration, which is, however, an ongoing process. The AEC includes 10 of the fastest-growing economies globally, with an average growth rate of over 5 percent in the past years, and as a group represents the seventh-largest economy globally. High GDP growth in ASEAN member states, combined with a dynamic demographic and increasingly skilled work force, currently renders ASEAN one of the most attractive investment and trade destinations for European business. The change in investment trends seen in the past years, with many manufacturers closing down operations in China and relocating to ASEAN, is evidence of the increasing opportunities the region has to offer.
  Therefore, the integration and facilitation of intra-ASEAN movement of goods and people that the AEC envisions and the subsequent interconnection of 10 high-growth, high-potential markets is seen as a unique chance for business to capitalize on the opportunities that a fast-growing market of approximately 630 million people has to offer. Similarly, there is much to be gained by national economies within ASEAN from increased intra-ASEAN trade and investment, including intensified economic growth, employment generation and the creation of regional value chains. Taking into consideration that only 24 percent of trade registered by ASEAN member-states is currently intra-ASEAN, there is much scope for developing intra-ASEAN business and setting up regional hubs that can serve the ASEAN market. European Union (EU)-ASEAN Trade and Investment relations are already well established. ASEAN is the EU’s third-largest trade partner outside of Europe and the EU is ASEAN’s second-largest trading partner after China. Therefore, the EU business community in Europe and in the Philippines recognizes the great benefits and importance of further integrating the region and intensifying cross-border trade and investment both within ASEAN borders and between ASEAN and the EU. Taking into consideration that the Philippines will be chairing ASEAN in 2017, we believe it is an excellent opportunity for the Philippines to lead the way toward further ASEAN economic integration.
  Trade facilitation
  While almost all products in the region are now traded tariff-free, or with a tariff in the range of 0 percent to 5 percent, nontariff barriers to trade still remain an important impediment to intra-ASEAN trade for many products. Therefore, it is important that nontariff barriers, especially the Rules of Origin, product standards and testing, are addressed through deeper harmonization between member-states. We strongly support the alignment of regulatory processes and the adoption of Mutual Recognition Agreements with other ASEAN member-states on standards and testing for key industries, such as health care, food and beverage and automotive. The cosmetics sector stands as a best practice for the harmonization of standards in the above-mentioned sectors. Specifically, ASEAN standards were adopted and implemented in the Philippines through the adoption of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Harmonized Cosmetic Regulatory Scheme and ASEAN Common Technical Documents [Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Administrative Order (AO) 2005-0015] and the “Implementation of the ASEAN Harmonized Cosmetic Regulatory Scheme and ASEAN Common Technical Documents” (FDA AO 2005-0025).   In focus: Automotive sector
  The automotive sector, including vehicles and parts, currently incurs major non-tariff barriers in the Philippines and the region, due to the lack of alignment in product standards. We strongly recommend to the Philippines to grasp the opportunity as ASEAN chair in 2017 to fully align national standards and the approval process to the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) regulations (currently, while the Department of Trade and Industry-Bureau of Product Standards has harmonized certain PNS standards to UNECE vehicle regulations, there remain vehicle parts for which standards have not yet been harmonized). The Philippines should lead the way for the adoption of a mutual recognition agreement in automotive standards across ASEAN in support of establishing common recognition of standards that are aligned to UNECE standards. It is worth noting that certain ASEAN member-states already recognize UNECE standards for automotive parts.
  Implement an ASEAN Single Window
  Rapid implementation of a fully functional ASEAN Single Window will increase cross-border, intra-ASEAN trade, and ultimately contribute to economic growth and regional integration. Imperative to the Philippines’s participation in an ASEAN Single Window is first the establishment of a comprehensive, dynamic, online National Single Window.
  Ease existing customs procedures across ASEAN to ease intra-ASEAN trade
  There are numerous operational and procedural obstacles within Customs procedures across ASEAN member-states that handicap intra-ASEAN trade. We believe that as chair of ASEAN, the Philippines should drive intra-ASEAN coordination on Customs procedures to reduce operational bottlenecks, such as the acceleration of the implementation of the ASEAN Customs Transit system and the adoption of electronic data interchange for customs declaration and clearance. The recent enactment of the CMTA in the Philippines includes best practices, in line with the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement and WCO Revised Kyoto Protocol, which could be adopted across ASEAN in support of trade facilitation.
  Protect IPR and clamp down on illicit trade
  The single market offers increased opportunities for intra-ASEAN trade in illicit and counterfeit goods. The institutionalization of cooperation across ASEAN member-states to protect IPR is thus an important element to the success of the AEC in facilitating intra-ASEAN trade and investment.
  Implement regional harmonization of standards and regulations
  In addition to the benefits on trade facilitation, the mutual recognition and adoption of common standards and regulations across ASEAN is important for investment facilitation. The development and strengthening of regional value chains is dependent on common standards between countries. The ASEAN Harmonized Cosmetic Regulatory Scheme should serve as a best practice.
  Ease long-term investment constraints
  ASEAN member-states need to collectively address investors’ concerns by agreeing on measures in support of long-term intra-ASEAN investments. One option could be to build upon the agreement reached by Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand to facilitate more cross-border fund-raising, cross-border product distribution, cross-border investment and to facilitate market access by intermediaries.
10月12日,在对柬埔寨王国进行国事访问前夕,中国国家主席习近平在柬埔寨《柬埔寨之光》报发表题为《做肝胆相照的好邻居、真朋友》的署名文章。文章摘要如下:  中国和柬埔寨是肝胆相照的好朋友。在关乎彼此核心利益和重大关切问题上,两国风雨同舟、守望相助。在柬埔寨争取国家独立和民族解放、维护和平安定的斗争中,中国给予柬埔寨坚定支持和帮助。上世纪90年代,中国派出800多人的工兵部队参加柬埔寨维和行动。在1
October 12, 2016 (Reuters) — China hopes to boost private investment by improving financial services for small enterprises, its powerful state planner said in a document on Wednesday. Private investme
越南《西贡解放报》消息,近日越南计划投资部公布了《有关投资经营规定若干条款修订及补充法》草案,拟对限制类投资经营目录进行修改和补充。根据草案,政府将取消对67个限制类投资经营行业的限制,同时补充增加12个限制类投资经营行业,其中包括公寓住户单位物业管理服务、建材规划咨询服务、影片发行与推广服务、教育质量鉴定组织活动、留学咨询服务、能源审计、网络域名申请与维护服务等。  业内专家认为,该法规将进一步
2016年10月11日,中国与全球化智库(CCG)在北京总部举办“一带一路”视野下中国与东盟合作新契机研讨会。专家们围绕“一带一路”将给东盟和沿海省份带来哪些发展契机,双方将如何抓住契机加深合作以及在推进过程中的重点等问题展开了讨论。  CCG"一带一路"研究所副所长、国际关系学院副教授储殷:东盟区域非常复杂,各个国家发展水平差距非常大,中国与整个东盟成员国有不同的贸易特点。未来在房地产、基础能源
“感受过他的伟大,就能知道这个损失有多惨痛。在九世皇花园看了关于他生平事迹的博物馆,就能知道他之所以为王的原因。就像许多泰国人所说的,‘泰国也许不是世界上最好的国家,但我们有最好的国王。’”  2016年10月13日,面对泰国国王的逝世,记者在泰国的一位朋友发出了这样的感叹。  当“神话”落幕  “10月13日下午3点左右,身旁一起上课的一位泰国同学突然表现得很反常,神情凝重并且不断在刷手机。下课
泰国国王普密蓬·阿杜德的去世,让这个微笑的国度陷入了沉寂,与此同时,也引发了国际社会的热议。对于这位深受泰国子民爱戴,同时又是当今世界在位时间最长、最富有的君主,各国领导、学者对其有着怎样的评价?他的离世对曾经多次动荡的泰国又将产生怎样的影响?外界对此有着诸多评论和猜测。  充满凝聚力的国家领袖  对于泰国人民而言,才华横溢、勤政爱民的普密蓬国王就像是他们的“国家守护神”;而对于国际社会来说,他不
在第13届中国—东盟博览会上,由马来西亚马六甲州(省级)政府主办的“投资马六甲论坛”得到了不少人的关注。这次论坛也是马来西亚首次由省级政府通过中国—东盟博览会举办的投资招商论坛。论坛以“‘一带一路’背景下,马六甲的契机”为主题,旨在向中国和东盟各国客商推荐马六甲的投资机会。  就在第13届东博会开幕前夕,前来参加“投资马六甲论坛”的马六甲州行政议员拿督林万锋,率领马六甲州政府代表团前往广西壮族自治
继第13届中国—东盟博览会主展、越南展、旅游展之后,东博会今年又一场展览盛宴——2016东博会林木展将于12月2~5日在南宁国际会展中心登场。这是东博会林木展连续第7年举办。东博会热度未减,商机续增。  东博会林木展是东博会旗下规模最大的专业展,也是国内同类展会中东盟展商参展比例最高的展会,境外展商比例达25%。林木展连续7年举办,已成为中国与东盟林业交流合作有效的、稳定的专业平台,在中国与东盟林