新研究表明:压力大 体重增加

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压力也是导致肥胖的原因之一。据美国“网络医生”网站近日报道,美国俄亥俄州立大学的精神病学和心理学家珍妮丝·吉科尔特·格拉泽进行的1项新研究表明,压力会延缓女性的新陈代谢速度,导致体重增加。研究人员选取了58名平均年龄为53岁的女性,询问了她们在前一天的压力水平,然后让她们吃了1顿约含930千卡热量和60克脂肪的饮食。研究人员随后测量了这些女性参与者花了多长时间燃烧掉这些热量和脂肪。其结果是:与未承受压力的女性相比,那些在过去24小时 Stress is also one of the causes of obesity. According to a recent report by the United States on the website of “Network Doctor”, a new study conducted by psychiatrist and psychologist Jenny Gilbert Glaser of Ohio State University shows that stress can delay the metabolic rate of women and lead to Weight gain. The researchers selected 58 women, average age 53, asked about their stress levels the day before and gave them a 1-diet about 930 kilocalories and 60 grams of fat. The researchers then measured how often these female participants burned off these calories and fat. The result: those who have not been under pressure in the past 24 hours
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