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江苏扬农化工集团有限公司与美国Honeywell公司合作开发的拟除虫菊酯废水除盐装置及综合废水处理工艺,目前已经进入中试阶段。这是该公司采用先进技术治理污染的又一举措。据江苏扬农化工集团有限公司总经理吴建民介绍,苯氯化生产一氯苯是该集团上世纪70年代开发的产品。该公司采用自主开发的技术,对一氯苯生产过程中产生的残液实施分离回收,生产出高品位、高附加值的二氯苯、三氯苯,并建成国内规模较大的生产装置。之后,又以氯苯为原料,开发出一氯硝基苯、二氯硝基苯和三氯硝基苯等系列产品。并逐步形成了具有自主 Jiangsu Yangnong Chemical Group Co., Ltd. and the United States Honeywell company developed pyrethroid wastewater demineralization plant and integrated wastewater treatment technology, has now entered the pilot stage. This is yet another move the company uses advanced technology to tackle pollution. According to Jiangsu Yangnong Chemical Industry Group Co., Ltd. General Manager Wu Jianmin introduced chlorobenzene production of chlorobenzene is the group 70s of last century developed products. The company adopts self-developed technology to separate and recycle the residual liquid generated during the production of monochlorobenzene to produce high-grade and high-value-added dichlorobenzene and trichlorobenzene and build a large-scale domestic production plant. After that, chlorobenzene was used as raw material to develop a series of products such as monochloronitrobenzene, dichloronitrobenzene and trichloronitrobenzene. And gradually formed with autonomy