曾连续多年亏损、濒临倒闭的江苏阜宁肉联厂,1994年来从转换经营机制入手,坚持苦练内功,强化管理,生产经营步入了良性循环,扭亏增盈迈出了坚实的一步。1995年1~7月,该厂加工生猪11.2万头,比1994年同期增加264.4%,完成产值4708万元,实现销售5166万元,分别比1994年同期增长2 .9%和286.9%,实现利润24万元,比1994年同期亏损48万元绝对值增盈72万元。其经
The Suining Meat Factory in Jiangsu, which had suffered losses for many years and was on the verge of collapse, started from the transformation of its operating mechanism in 1994. It persisted in its hard work, strengthened its management, and its production and operation entered a virtuous cycle, turning losses into losses and increasing profits to take a firm step. From January to July 1995, the factory processed 112,000 live pigs, an increase of 264.4% over the same period of 1994, completed a production value of 47.08 million yuan, and achieved sales of 51.66 million yuan, an increase of 2.9% and 286.9% respectively over the same period of 1994. The profit was 240,000 yuan, an increase of 720,000 yuan from the absolute value of the loss of 480,000 yuan in the same period of 1994. Its