该系统可提供清晰准确的突发事件情报,快速评估突发事件造成人员伤亡的情景及时空动态分布特征,生成灾害评估报告,为应对突发事件的科学救援提供决策依据。以前期国内外实战救援数据为基础,调研天津市人口密度、年龄结构、交通、建筑物分布、文化素质、经济水平、救治单位、医疗资源等,构建突发事件相关信息数据库,以信息科技和专业技术为支撑,形成应急救援决策情景推演系统。突发事件发生后,该系统可短时间内调出事故区域内人口密度、建筑物情况、医疗卫生资源、救援队分布、气象及交通道路等信息,并在数分钟内对伤亡做出快速预测,合理调配物资,生成最佳救援路径,形成突发事件医疗救援详细预案。“,”Referring to the experience of actual medical rescue in disasters, both at home and abroad, and based on the database of the population density, age structure, traffic, building distribution, cultural quality, economic level, treatment organizations, and medical resources in Tianjin, an Emergency Rescue Decision Scenario Deduction System was developed by ???. Mathematical modes of buiding damage and casualties were built. In case emergency occurs casualties can be predicted, the best route for rescue can be identified, and detailed rescue plan can be formed in minutes.