6月27日,普利司通(中国)投资有限公司在京举办了以“绿色明天有你相伴”为主题的ECOPIA绿歌伴新品发布会,宣布6月正式推出其旗下面向轿车用户的新一代节能环保旗舰品牌ECOPIA EP200,这是该款商品在全球的首次亮相。普利司通(中国)技术本部总监于春江介绍,
June 27, Bridgestone (China) Investment Co., Ltd. held in Beijing to “green tomorrow with you accompanied by” as the theme of ECOPIA green song with new conference, announced in June its flag-oriented car users for the new A generation of energy-saving environmental protection flagship brand ECOPIA EP200, this is the first time in the world debut of this product. Bridgestone (China) Technology Director Yu Chunjiang introduction,