To study the compositions of stable isotopes and trace elements in ostracode shells is animportant way to reconstruct lacustrine paleoenvironment. In these studies, the “white sys-tem”method, a common way used in most research work, has its own limitations. First,the relations between the compositions and environmental factors are reduced from limitedexperiments on limited kinds of ostracode shells. So there are still different opinions onthis subject which needs to be identified through more experiments in future studies. Sec-ond, in contrast to the simple close system, most open or semi-open paleobasins are as
To study the compositions of stable isotopes and trace elements in ostracode shells is animportant way to reconstruct lacustrine paleoenvironment. In these studies, the “white sys-tem ” method, a common way used in most research work, has its own limitations. First, the relations between the compositions and environmental factors are reduced from limitedexperiments on limited kinds of ostracode shells. close system, most open or semi-open paleobasins are as