《舞出我人生》是中央电视台一套于2013年推出的一档以舞蹈为主题的真人秀节目,节目注重影视明星与草根舞者之间的合作,共同展现舞蹈的魅力。节目一经播出便广受关注,成为国内同类节目中口碑声誉上佳的栏目。对此,很多观众和电视节目制作者将其与美国同类节目中的代表作—《舞魅天下》(So You Think You Can Dance)进行了比较。《舞魅天下》是美国福克斯公司在2004年推出的一档舞蹈真人秀,将在2016年推出第13
Dance out of my life is a set of dance-themed reality show launched by CCTV in 2013. The program focuses on the cooperation between film stars and grassroots dancers to show the charm of dance. Once broadcast the program has attracted widespread attention, becoming the reputation of similar programs in the country a good column. In response, many viewers and TV producers compared it with the So You Think You Can Dance, a masterpiece of their kind in the United States. “Dance world” is Fox dance company in 2004 launched a dance reality show, will be released in 2016 13