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三仓是一块红土地。抗日战争、解放战争时期,陈毅、刘少奇、粟裕等老一辈无产阶级革命家在三仓这块土地上运筹帷幄,策马挥戈。英勇的三仓人民,为了国家的独立,民族的解放和人民的新生,同国内外敌人进行了长期艰苦卓绝的斗争,以生命熔铸了中华民族不屈的灵魂,用鲜血染红了革命的战旗,也染红了这方土地。 Three positions are a piece of red land. Anti-Japanese War, the War of Liberation, Chen Yi, Liu Shaoqi, Su Yu and other proletarian revolutionaries of older generations in the three positions on this piece of land strategize, Mama waved. The heroic tri-partite people, fighting for their independence, national liberation and people’s rejuvenation, have carried on a long and arduous struggle with their enemies both at home and abroad, casting their unyielding soul with their lives, dying revolutionary bloods with blood, Also dyed the land.