下面介绍的研究成果,基本解决了大型镜平面不锈钢板长期依赖进口的局面,某木材加工厂运用这一成果,不仅提高了塑料贴面的表面质量,而且每年可节约外汇 120~168万元。这一成果效益显著;如需咨询,请与本刊咨询服务部联系。
The research results presented below basically solve the long-term dependence on imports of large mirror flat stainless steel plates. The use of this result by a wood processing factory not only improves the surface quality of the plastic veneer, but also saves 120-168 million yuan of foreign exchange each year. The results of the significant benefits; For advice, please contact with our advisory services department.