西部大开发不仅需要大量的资金和人才的投入,也需要转变西部人的观念,解放西部人的思想。所以,在西部大外发的过程中,西部文艺首先应该明确“以高尚的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人”的历史使命,走在时代的前头。只有文艺的超前意识得以实现,才可能转变人们的观念,解放人们的思想,也只有如此,西部人才可能在西部大开发中发挥其主动性、创造性,为西部开发尽到应有的那份力。 “西部大开发,文艺要崛起”,但怎样才能崛起呢?
The large-scale development of the western region not only requires a large amount of investment in capital and talents, but also needs to change the concept of the people in the west and liberate the people in the west. Therefore, during the process of developing the western region, the western literature and art should, first of all, clarify the historic mission of “shaping people with noble spirit and inspiring people with outstanding works”, and go ahead of the times. Only by realizing the advanced consciousness of literature and art can we change people’s concepts and liberate people’s thoughts. Only in this way can the western talents bring their initiative and creativity into full play in the development of the western region and make their due contribution to the development of the western region . “Western development, literature and art to rise”, but how can we rise?