【摘 要】
Virtual mass force is an indispensable component in the momentum balance involved with dispersed particles in a multiphase system.In this work the accelerating motion of a single solid particle is math-ematically formulated and solved using the vorticity-
【机 构】
CAS Key Laboratory of Green Process and Engineering,Institute of Process Engineering,Chinese Academy
Virtual mass force is an indispensable component in the momentum balance involved with dispersed particles in a multiphase system.In this work the accelerating motion of a single solid particle is math-ematically formulated and solved using the vorticity-stream function formulation in an orthogonal curvi-linear coordinate system.The total drag coefficient was evaluated from the numerical simulation in a range of the Reynolds number (Re) from 10 to 200 and the dimensionless acceleration (A) between-2.0 to 2.0.The simulation demonstrates that the total drag is heavily correlated with A,and large decel-eration even drops the drag force to a negative value.It is found that the value of virtual mass force coef-ficient (Cv) of a spherical particle is a variable in a wide range and difficult to be correlated with A and Re.However,the total drag coefficient (Coy) is successfully correlated as a function of Re and A,and it increases as A is increased.The proposed correlation of total drag coefficient may be used for simulation of solid-liquid flow with better accuracy.
There has been a strong interest in technologies suited for mining and processing of low-grade ores because of the rapid depletion of mineral resources in the world.In most cases,the extraction of copper from such raw materials is achieved by applying the
This review compares the different types of membrane processes for air dehumidification.Three main categories of membrane-based dehumidification are identified-membrane contactors using porous membranes with concentrated liquid desiccants,separative membr
目的 探究分析全程保温管理对策对急诊创伤危重患者的影响.方法 将2019年12月—2020年12月作为该次研究的时间节点,选择该院42名急诊医务人员参与该次研究,在2019年12月—2020年6月采取常规保温管理,该组为对照组;在2020年7—12月期间实施全程保温管理,将其命名为观察组.同时选择在该期间92例创伤危重患者参与该研究,根据时间节点不同,分别在对照组和观察组中纳入46例.对比两组管理质量、管理满意度以及管理效果评分情况.结果 观察组管理质量各项评分均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05
目的 将网络教学线上和线下教学相结合的教学方式,通过转化式学习在内科临床见习网络教学中的实施,提高对该校医学本科学生的批判性思维能力.方法 2020年9月—2021年9月在齐齐哈尔医学院2017级临床医学专业抽取120名学生为该次课题的研究对象,随机数字法分成两组,对照组60名,采用病例分析授课,研究组60名,采用转化式学习授课,观察两组学生在SOAP评分表、批判性思维量表、考核成绩等结果数据,评估此教学方法的优势和效果.结果 批判性思维量表数据统计结果为在分析能力、开放思想、批判性思维的自信心、求知欲、
Process optimization in equation-oriented (EO) modeling environments favors the gradient-based opti-mization algorithms by their abilities to provide accurate Jacobian matrices via automatic or symbolic differentiation.However,computational inefficiencies
目的 研究编制现代中医药人才教育培养管理评价量表,为加快构建“守正创新”理念下的中医药人才培养体系提供支撑.方法 运用文献调查、结构访谈法初步建立评价量表框架,以德尔菲专家函询法对指标进行筛选.以探索性因子分析及验证性因子分析,验证量表信效度.结果 量表由5个维度25个指标组成,两轮专家的权威系数分别为0.870、0.876,提示专家权威程度较高,两轮协调系数对比,差异有统计学意义(P0.75,S-CVI/Ave为0.95>0.90,显示量表内容效度(CVI)理想.采用主成分分析法进行因子分析,显示因子总
Ammonium phosphate fertilizer is the compounds containing nitrogen and phosphorus that are usually produced through the neutralization reaction of phosphoric acid and ammonia.At present,there are a variety of products,such as slurry monoammonium phosphate
目的 分析情景教学在儿童口腔医学教学中的实际应用价值.方法 选取2020年10—12月学院2017级口腔医学专业1、2班的学生作为研究对象,每班24名,共48名.随机取1班为常规教学班,2班为研究教学班.对1班进行传统讲授式教学方法,2班采用情景式教学方法.理论教学结束后,对比两个班学生的儿童口腔医学理论知识成绩和病例分析成绩及学生对课堂教学的满意度.结果 研究教学班学生的儿童口腔医学理论知识成绩和病例分析成绩均优于常规教学班,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).研究教学班学生对课堂教学满意度为83.3%,
Laminar mixing in the stirred tank is widely encountered in chemical and biological industries.Isolated mixing regions (IMRs) usually exist when the fluid medium has high viscosity,which are not conducive to mixing.In this work,the researches on IMRs,enha
目的 目前我国大部分公立医院人事档案管理主要以纸质版手工记录收集整理为主,工作方法繁琐沉重,无法做到实时更新完善难以适配信息化时代,一旦档案遗失损坏则很难修补完善.因此推进人事档案电子化,是目前公立医院人事档案管理急需解决的问题.方法 公立医院人事档案信息化建设是一项系统工程,软硬件及人员团队均需要大量投入,前期可采用外包的方式,后期采用院内维护两个阶段实施.结果 公立医院人事档案电子化管理能够有效进行档案存储保存、提高工作效率、减少档案差错、控制纸质档案成本.结论 人事档案电子化是公立医院人事管理发展的