1 临床资料本组患者男 6例 ,女 1例。年龄 49~ 6 4岁。均因厌食及右上腹剧烈痛。过后变为隐痛 1~ 4个月左右入院。查体 :7例均有巩膜及全身黄染 ,尿呈豆油样。B超检查诊断为 :胆总管囊肿及结石、胆系扩张、胆囊炎。以上 7例病人的体征及检查只是程度不同。2 影响检查结果
1 clinical data in this group of patients, 6 males and 1 female. Age 49 to 64 years old. All due to anorexia and severe pain in the right upper abdomen. Afterwards, it turned into painlessness and was admitted to hospital about 1 to 4 months. Physical examination: All 7 patients had sclera and systemic yellow staining, and urine was soybean oil. B-ultrasound diagnosis: common bile duct cysts and stones, biliary dilatation, cholecystitis. The above 7 patients had different signs and examinations. 2 Influence inspection results