
来源 :江西社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Nibel
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为平衡区域发展,理论界提出了“产业西移”与“人口东迁”两种看似相互对立的政策思路。“产业西移”与“人口东迁”各自有着不同的理论基础、政策取向和实现机制,面临不同的理论困境与现实冲突。相比较而言,“产业西移”思路的现实主义成分更多一些,“人口东迁”思路的理想主义色彩更浓一些。基于国际经验与中国国情,需要在现实主义与理想主义之间找到一个平衡点,形成“人口东迁”为主、“产业西移”为辅的平衡区域发展新思路。 To balance regional development, theorists have proposed two seemingly mutually-opposed policy ideas of “industrial westward movement” and “eastward movement of population”. “Industry Westward Movement” and “Population Eastward Movement” each have different theoretical basis, policy orientation and realization mechanism, facing different theoretical difficulties and conflicts with reality. Comparatively speaking, there is more realism in the “industrial westward movement” line of thought and the idealist line of “moving eastwardly” is more concentrated. Based on international experience and China’s national conditions, it is necessary to find a balance between realism and idealism and to create a new way of balancing the regional development, supplemented by “population migration to the east” and “industrial migration to the west”.
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