米兰,男装周,Z Zegna秀场门前人头攒动。一辆重型机车风驰而来,车上载着一哥特复古风格的女子,手拎中国风壶型刺绣红手袋。这女子眉清目秀,却在神情间透着一股古灵精怪,国内外媒体的镜头齐齐向她围拢过来。她是张檬,或许你还不能把她的名字和样貌对起号来。不过没关系,当最新版的《天龙八部》上映的时候,你就一定会记住这个最新的“王语嫣”。她是新版王语嫣王语嫣是金庸先生笔下的神仙姐姐,经过两代玉女掌门人的演绎,早已被驾到高处不胜寒的位置,敢接下一棒的演员会是个什么样的姑娘?见到张檬的时候,她正准备化妆。熟悉台湾综艺节目的人,
Milan, menswear week, Z Zegna show field in front of many people. A heavy locomotive winds, with a Gothic car carrying a woman in the style of hand-carrying Chinese fan-style embroidery red handbag. This woman is very handsome, but in the expression of a weird look, the media at home and abroad Qi neatly surrounded her round her. She is Zhang Meng, maybe you can not put her name and appearance together. However, it does not matter, when the latest version of “Tian Long Ba Bu” released, you will certainly remember the latest “Wang Yu Yan.” She is the new version of Wang Yuyan Wang Yuyan is the fairy sister by Mr. Jin Yong pen, after two generations of the interpretation of the head of the ladies, has long been driven to an undisputed position, dare to take over the next actor is what kind of girl? When she was lemon, she was preparing makeup. Those who are familiar with Taiwan variety shows,