本文从拉康真实界、想象界和象征界的角度,分析了《凡人》中的人物。随着场景切换,人物角色位置也在变化。格文斯把理想之我编织在讣告中,想象着他人的肯定。叙述者"我"看穿了他鸵鸟般的幻想,却把自己的文学梦想投射于他者。模仿者讽刺了人类自恋心理,揭示了凡人之非凡的深刻内涵:能指符号,作为"纯粹的存在形式",浓缩了主体之精髓。“,”This essay analyzes the short story Mortals from the Lacanian Model of three glances, namely, The Real, The Imaginary and The Symbolic. With the switches to different scenes, the subjects, determined by their relationships to the pseudo-obituary (words), are also subjected to the shifting positions of observation. Givens weaves his idealized self in his obituary, which is penetrated by the narrator “I” , who, in turn, projects his own literary dream onto others in order to create an unexpected rebirth story. It is the mime that destroys the cocoon of human imagination and crystallizes “the pure existence” of human subjects into the Lacanian signifiers.